Mid-Autumn Special Pipe Cleaners Lantern Making

Duration: 1.5 -2H

Price: Inclusive of Lantern Rings & Stick, Tassels, 2 LED lights, Assorted Embellishments (feathers, ribbon, glitter foam etc) Pipe Cleaner Wires, Poms Poms


-$40/ pax 20cm Double Ring (Bunny)

-$45/ pax 30cm Double Ring (2 Bunnies)

Special Characters

-$50/ pax 20cm Double Ring (1 Character)

-$55/ pax 30 cm Double Ring (2 Characters)

Type: Individual (Ages 5 and above)

At the start of the workshop, immerse yourself in a Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival story and unleash your creativity by crafting your LED-lit lantern. Learn to create captivating floral and decorative designs using pipe wires and bring adorable fluffy rabbits to life with pom-poms and yarn. Add special characters from our figurine collection to personalize your lantern for a unique touch.